About MediaTech Ventures

The Platform to Reach Venture Capital

Innovation and entrepreneurship are interwoven with technology and the media, and just like startups before now, it’s within our core competencies, in MediaTech, that founders thrive, investors find returns, and ecosystems emerge.

A “Venture Development” organization, we run incubators, teach founders, develop startup ecosystems, and build communities wherein startups thrive.

It Never Stops Evolving

We’re listening to Spotify, playing Fortnite, and watching Netflix when not 20 years ago most of us were still on CDs while AI remained the magic of movies. The 21st century is thrusting the world further online and into media, and the demands on your brand to be digital, social, and market driven by understanding the internet.

There are now more than twice as many private companies worth more than $1 billion US in MediaTech today than in the more well-known financial technology (fintech) sector. It’s increasingly noted that every company is a technology company; every company is a finance company; and every company is a media company.

The challenge – many consider MediaTech its own sector comprised of the music industry, video games, photography, VideoTech, or AdTech companies.

The fact is, your work in innovation is not just technology but dependent on media; that in partnership with us, you can be the brand that triggers value for creators, works with entrepreneurs, and drives greater investment in solutions for customers.

Pioneer the Future

More Than a Return

Media innovation drives success: shaping how we view the world and helping define culture. From investment in the printing press to the latest AI generated video, society innovates through media, always inventing, and constantly creating wealth and opportunity in our economy.

Flush with challenges (opportunities) in online privacy, health related to social media, monetization of music, streaming, augmented reality, fake news, cyber security, and advertising, this is where investment not only matters but is in fact rather recession proof; as one sector of media struggles (say, news or advertising), another tends to thrive (such as entertainment or video games).

Top Five Public Media Companies A $996B Market Cap:

Netflix (NFLX): $234 Billion
Walt Disney (DIS): $220 Billion
Comcast Corp (CMCSA): $209 Billion
AT&T (ATT): $203 Billion
Charter Communications (CHTR): $130 Billion

The media industry creates most new jobs, directly and indirectly, as what promotes, communicates, and teaches. Every new business and entrepreneur begin with media.

Invest in Its

Start(up) Now

The pitch deck, product, and a prayer doesn’t work. Neither does the concept that your idea will open the door. Unfortunately, Entrepreneurs are fixated on the “Idea” more than not.

Founders join incubators, seek lawyers, patents, and NDAs to protect them, they quit jobs with startups in mind, and we all chase dreams of being wealthy and successful, all because of an idea. It’s time for “the Idea” to die.

Successful Entrepreneurs churn a dizzying array of ideas. They toss them, fast and efficiently. What you need are a mission, vision, and values (And resources).

A startup is akin to the order to “take that hill.” That’s a mission. The vision is the plan. And our values explain how (what we will not do).

From there, we constantly try different ideas to achieve that mission. The idea is what fails.

It’s time for the idea to die because the secret to success is that you should have another one before you finish reading this sentence. Our work, our incubators, and our curriculum, make it possible.

Move Beyond Ideas

Recent News About Our Work

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MediaTech Ventures’ Work in Funded House to Match Startups with Investors at Balkan Tech Summit and IFA Berlin

Collaborating with IFA Berlin and the Balkan Tech Summit to build an international portfolio of investable innovators, Funded House will manage the investor lounge throughout the coming 5 day, 100 year old, conference. IFA Berlin, renowned as a premier platform for showcasing cutting-edge consumer electronics, has added the IFA Next startup showcase and other innovation-focused programming this year as it…

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MDDAO: The First Medical Metaverse + Ted Cohen Joins Advisory Board

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TALK2RAMI Founder’s Series with Paul O’Brien

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Our Startup Program Makes its Way to Chicago, Supporting Women Led CannaTech Ventures

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