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What are the admission requirements to MediaTech Ventures’ Incubator?


MediaTech Ventures runs a few different kinds of startup programs best characterized as incubators, or venture studios.  The “customer” for those varies by the use case but as a founder, acceptance is pretty straightforward because the focus of each program is teaching founders how start a venture, mitigate risk, reach new markets, and appeal to investors; those lessons are available to all.

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Paul O'Brien Selected answer as best

You can be anywhere in your funding journey. If you are considering growing your early stage startup, our program might be right for you if you are:

  1. In early stage development or ideation?
  2. Still actively searching for a business model? 
  3. Tech or tech-enabled? We define tech or tech-enabled businesses as any business that leverages and can scale media through technology. We are media industry-specific, and accept companies working in advertising & marketing, film, video, VR/AR, PR & news media, publishing, video games, sound, music, podcasts, and radio. 
  4. A for-profit company? 
Paul O'Brien Selected answer as best
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