InternetFM annual update
2021 was a terrific year for InternetFM and our team of dedicated professionals.
Most significantly, we received an angel investment from Gary Castagna resulting in a company valuation of $1.5 million.
For December 2021, Monthly active users we at 483, up 40% from November, 200% from September, and 1000% from the beginning of the year.
We are now at 50 affiliate stations with a combined estimated reach of 950,000 monthly listeners (via all platforms – and our new target)
Total downloads – Android 749, Apple 1172
We released a major update – 2.0 and two follow ups.

InternetFM was named a “Top 21 of ’21” by Prepare for VC
Lastly, we are working on release 3.0 which will feature an interactive component not found in current streaming radio apps.
All press releases during the year are posted to our website and excerpted on LinkedIn.
Thanks, and rock on in 2022!