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Do you know anyone interested in Remix Comp – Biz Dev, Media Partners, or Investors?


Hi all,

Together with the former CEO of Warner Music here in Australia, we have just launched our 8 week Browser Based Remix comp that “lives” on the media partner or sponsors website as THE destination to go to each day. Think an America’s Got Talent theme, where 100’s of 1000’s can compete from their bedroom or even on their mobile on the train heading to work !

Winner gets a record deal and major Festival gig.

We grow the audience of the media partner including email and social databases and monetize 1000’s of hours of User generated Music. Players earn $ from their works throughout the comp also. Savvy brands get to align with this new phenomenon in super cool ways too ! Can be a traditional player like radio or a major online publisher/website.

We have relationships into Live Nation, iHeart, WPP/Mediacom to Indonesian Family owned Media conglomerates.

Looking to do a $1.5M USD raise on a pre-money valuation of $8M USD.

Sizzle Reel @ https://cutt.ly/S2MGnCi

Also looking for Biz Dev Reps in most countries who have strong connections into Radio, TV or large online Properties.

Hit me up here for more info and Decks or via [email protected]

Cheers for now,


Paul O'Brien Changed status to publish
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